December 20th, 2018

Donderdag in Suriname.....
Immigration Day with five Building visits....
Stamps acquired........
Lots of Walking....
Lots of Waiting.....
Long Day.....

Elder Millard, Elder Dilworth,  Elder Wardle, and Elder Holthe

Elder Hollingshead.

Elder Roberts...

Lots of Driving...


Sitting and Waiting.....

Elder Frandsen, Elder Somsen, and Elder Seffker

And more walking

We now have legally landed Elders in Suriname.....

Happy Days....

              Gotta Love Paperwork........

Only have to do this once......

How fun is this.....

                                                  On to bicycle deliveries........

Off to Commewijne , Meezorg
Elder Hendrickson, Elder Garcia, and

Elder Baldwin

Time to Tease the Elders....
Elder Hederickson!!! Ha!Ha!

Elders Bless our mission!!!!

                                  Ferm Cargo Deliveries! Five Packages....
                       Elder Wardle, Two for Zuster Woolsey, and Two for Elder Frandsen...
                       Next Thursday they expect another shipment..........

Elder Heaps and Elder Somsen will help deliver packages....

The  Tradition here is to go to the Binnenland (Interior of Suriname) and cut a large tree branch. 
Two Sundays before Christmas, Members bring an ornament to put on the tree when they come to Church. It stands outside the Church in the open Foyer.

Zuster Tugala and Zuster Spencer

Elder Newton and Elder Sampson 

Elder Newton and Elder Sampson under a full moon...

Elder Holt and Elder Frandsen

Elder Frandsen receives his parcel.

Elder Holt, Elder Sampson, Elder Heaps, Zuster Spencer, Zuster Tulaga, Elder Newton, Elder Sampson and Elder Frandsen

Welterusten Allemaal!
(Goodnight Everyone!)



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